New Zealand is a beautiful sovereign Island nation having astonishing scenario and Polynesian culture. Pleasant climate, amazing wildlife, thriving forests and beautiful countryside makes it a place worth enjoying lifestyle. Social life of New Zealand is diverse, sophisticated, friendly and open. And the greatest plus of New Zealand is that all of its diverse physical, cultural, and artistic landscapes are bind close.
High growth rate, low rate of inflation, abundance of physical resources, low rate of interest on economy makes it economically fulfilled country.
It is technologically advanced nation which is one of the world most affordable English speaking nation for the international student to study in. They are also the most welcoming nations of the world. Recently New Zealand has changed into a diverse multicultural society due to the influence of Pacific Island, Asian and European immigrants.
If we talk about climate, huge variations in temperature can be accounted for by the combination of the mountainous geography and prevailing westerly winds.
Due to low concreteness and growth rate of population inclusive of inhabitant and visitors, people have easy access to wide range of sporting facilities. New Zealand exploratory spirit is catching and with a profusion of natural beauty scattered across the North and South Island adding to its awesomeness.
Along with the first-rate quality of education New Zealand offers protected learning environment choice of courses excellent support services for international student. Top class graduates come out of the universities of New Zealand. Educational institutes take pride in providing an internationally recognized degree.
In safe and friendly environment students are provided with excellent training and education living a varied lifestyle. People of New Zealand are known for their generosity.
All level of education is offered to the students be it certificate or doctorate degree. There are eight government funded universities providing undergraduate and post-graduate. Every university has its specialized courses. New Zealand is internationally recognized for its excellent educational standards.A university’s bachelor’s degree usually takes three to four years. Most degree arrangement gives you opportunity of bringing your major and minor subjects in harmony. A student can take a course to have certificate, diploma or degree at Polytechnics and institutes of technology whereas at colleges of education you one can study to get a teacher’s degree.
Once you have bachelor degree you can opt for post-graduation such as master degree, diploma or doctorate.
To got the Student Visa of New Zealand student firstly needs to submit complete Visa form, academic certificates, IELTS result, work experience certificate (if applicable), bank statement showing enough of funds required for living in NZ including expenses, course expenses according to the duration of the program.
To study in the universities of New Zealand approximate tuition fees required is NZ$ 12000 to NZ$ 28000 per annum. Scholarship is available to those international students who are doing doctoral research. They are supported by the government with living expenses and travel allowance. Those students have to pay only domestic fees.
The living cost of New Zealand is usually NZ$ 15000 per annum. An international student is permitted to work 20 hours a week. A student can work full time during holidays if you have a course of 12 months or more.